
Importing network-wide NMAP scans into Open-AudIT [solved]
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Author:  davebailey [ Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:43 am ]
Post subject:  Importing network-wide NMAP scans into Open-AudIT [solved]


I wrote a Perl script to import an nmap scan of the network into Open-AudIT.

It will usually be faster to do nmap scans for the entire network, instead of calling them one at a time since nmap can do parallel scanning.

Feel free to include it in Open-AudIT, if you like.

Thanks for creating a great open source tool.



#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Split up nmap scan and submit to openaudit
# v1.0 - David Bailey 6/17/2008
# nmap -v -O -oN filename.txt networks-or-hosts
# filename.txt

# User modifiable settings
my $nmap_ie_form_page = '';

# Probably don't need to modify these
my $nmap_block_start='^Interesting ports on ';
my $nmap_block_stop='^Network Distance: ';
my $debug = 0;

# Don't modify these, initialize scalars
my $nmap_block='';
my $inblock = 0;
my $blockname = '';
my $line='';

# modules
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;

# Specify the information to post, the form field name on
# the left of the => symbol and the value on the right.
my %form_data = (
'submit' => 'submit',
'add' => ''

# Create the browser that will post the information.
my $Browser = new LWP::UserAgent;

while ( $line = <> ) {
# data is in $_
chomp $line;
if ( $debug >= 2 ) { print "debug readline $inblock: $line\n"; }
if ( $inblock ) {
if ( $line =~ /$nmap_block_stop/ ) {
# found end of block, check for required attribute(s), MAC address
if ( $nmap_block =~ /MAC Address: / ) {
# Found required attribute(s), submit it to Open-AudIT
$form_data{'add'} = "$nmap_block\n$line\n";

# submit to web form
if ( $debug ) { print "debug submit form: $form_data{'add'}\n"; }
my $Page = $Browser->request(POST $nmap_ie_form_page,\%form_data);

# Give the results to the user
if ($Page->is_success) {
print "Successfully added node: $blockname\n";
if ( $debug ) { print $Page->content; }
else {
print "Failed to add node: $blockname\n";
if ( $debug ) { print $Page->message; }
else {
print "Failed to add node: $blockname, missing required attributes\n";

# Reset block flag
$inblock = 0;
else {
# putting lines into block
$nmap_block .= "$line\n";
elsif ( $line =~ /$nmap_block_start(\S+)/ ) {
$inblock = 1;
$nmap_block = "$line\n";
$blockname = $1;
# strip trailing punctuation from blockname
if ( $blockname =~ /(.*)[^A-Za-z0-9]$/ ) {
$blockname = $1;

# end of script[/code]

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