
Auditing remote linux systems
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Author:  erSitzt [ Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Auditing remote linux systems


i found your tool a few days ago because i needed a tool to document the actual state of a new customer...

I want to audit remote linux servers that are not able to access the openaudit webinterface and i want to be able to use a central script ( that will be copied to the specified system while auditing.

I didnt find any info if someone already tried this in the forum but i thought it should be possible to achieve this using SSH and little modified version of your

This is what i ended up with :

This is a .vbs that runs pscp/plink from PuTTY to copy the script to and execute it on the remote machine. Most of the script is copied from your standardscripts. :

' Below calls the file audit_include.vbs to setup the variables.
ExecuteGlobal CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("audit.config").ReadAll

' If any command line args given - use the first one as strComputer
If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
host = wscript.arguments(0)
user = wscript.arguments(1)
pass = wscript.arguments(2)
scriptname = wscript.arguments(3)
scriptpath = wscript.arguments(4)
end if

' copy script in folder on remote machine
command1 = "pscp.exe -pw " & pass & " " & scriptname & " " & user & "@" & host & ":" & scriptpath
' make script executable
command2 = "plink.exe -pw " & pass & " " & user & "@" & host & " chmod +x " & scriptpath & scriptname
' run script (errors to /dev/null), output will be saved in output-variable
command3 = "plink.exe -pw " & pass & " " & user & "@" & host & " " & scriptpath & scriptname & " 2>/dev/null"
set sh1=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") command1, 0, true command2, 0, true
WScript.echo command3
Set objWshScriptExec = sh1.exec(command3)
Set objStdOut = objWshScriptExec.StdOut
output = objStdOut.ReadAll
' only for debugging
'WScript.Echo output

' Create an IE instance for output into '
Dim ie
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.navigate ie_form_page
Do Until IE.readyState = 4 : WScript.sleep(200) : Loop
if ie_visible = "y" then
ie.visible= True
ie.visible = False
end if
Dim oUser
Dim oPwd
Dim oDoc
Set oDoc = IE.document
Set oAdd = oDoc.getElementById("add")
' Output UUID & Timestamp to IE '
oAdd.value = oAdd.value + output + vbcrlf

if ie_auto_submit = "y" then
Do Until IE.readyState = 4 : WScript.sleep(2000) : Loop
end if

if ie_auto_close = "y" then
Do Until IE.readyState = 4 : WScript.sleep(5000) : Loop
end if

end_time = Timer
elapsed_time = end_time - ie_time
if verbose = "y" then
wscript.echo "IE Execution Time: " & int(elapsed_time) & " seconds."
end if
if online = "p" then
oIE.document.WriteLn "</div>"
end if

I made this changes to :
# The end - submit to Open-AudIT
cat $ReportFile
rm "$ReportFile"

This information is needed by audit_remote_linux.vbs :

user = "root"
pass = "notmybirthdate"
host = ""
' name of central script
scriptname = ""
' use leading AND trailing slash
scriptpath = "/tmp/"

I started this today so it is far from finished. By now it is not possible to audit multiple hosts using a list of hosts or connecting using public keys instead of passwords.

If anyone has questions / comments... just ask/tell !
thanks !


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