
Nmap requirements
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Author:  webtony [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Nmap requirements

I've set up Open-Audit on a linux desktop with lampp to test it out and so far everything works great. When I try to run nmap.vbs from a windows desktop I get an error about being unable to find the executable. It appears to be looking for it in the temp folder for the currently logged in user. So would this mean that whichever system I want to use the nmap scripts would have to have nmap installed on it?

Author:  jpa [ Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nmap requirements

OpenAudit does not ship with the nmap executable so you [url=]need to install it[/url] on the workstation doing the nmaping.

The output of the latest version of nmap causes admin_nmap_input.php to miss some info. I've added a bit of code to handle the newer versions output.

$page = "add_pc";
include "include.php";
echo "<td valign=\"top\">\n";
echo "<div class=\"main_each\">";

echo "<p class=\"contenthead\">".__("NMap")."</p>\n";
// Avoid undeclared vars warnings (AJH).
$timestamp = date("YmdHis");
$uuid = "";
$process = "";

$sql = "SET @@session.sql_mode=''";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

if (isset($_POST["submit"])){
$input = $_POST['add'];
$input = explode("\n", $input);

foreach ($input as $split) {
if (substr($split, 0, 12) == "MAC Address:") {
// OK - we have a hit.
$mac = substr($split,13,17);
echo "Mac Address: " . $mac . "<br />";
$temp = explode(")",substr($split, strpos($split, "(")+1));
$manufacturer = $temp[0];
echo "Manufacturer: " . $manufacturer . "<br />";
if (substr($split, 0, 12) == "Device type:") {
// OK - we have a hit.
$temp = explode(":", $split);
$temp2 = explode("|",$temp[1]);
$device_type = ltrim(rtrim($temp2[0]));
echo "Device Type: " . $device_type . "<br />";
if (substr($split, 0, 8) == "Running:") {
// OK - we have a hit.
$temp = explode(":", $split);
$running = ltrim(rtrim($temp[1]));
echo "Running: " . $running . "<br />";
if (substr($split, 0, 20) == "Interesting ports on") {
// OK - we have a hit.
if (strpos($split, ")") !== false){
// Name resolution succeeded
$temp = explode(")",substr($split, strpos($split, "(")+1));
$ip_address = $temp[0];
echo "IP Address: " . $ip_address . "<br />";
$temp = explode(" ", $split);
$temp2 = explode(".", $temp[3]);
$name = $temp2[0];
echo "Name: " . $name . "<br />";
} else {
// No name resolution
$temp = explode(" ",$split);
$temp2 = $temp[3];
$temp = explode(":",$temp2);
$ip_address = $temp[0];
$ip_explode = explode(".",$ip_address);
if (strlen($ip_explode[0]) < 2){$ip_explode[0] = "0" . $ip_explode[0];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[0]) < 3){$ip_explode[0] = "0" . $ip_explode[0];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[1]) < 2){$ip_explode[1] = "0" . $ip_explode[1];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[1]) < 3){$ip_explode[1] = "0" . $ip_explode[1];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[2]) < 2){$ip_explode[2] = "0" . $ip_explode[2];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[2]) < 3){$ip_explode[2] = "0" . $ip_explode[2];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[3]) < 2){$ip_explode[3] = "0" . $ip_explode[3];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[3]) < 3){$ip_explode[3] = "0" . $ip_explode[3];}
$ip_address = $ip_explode[0] . "." . $ip_explode[1] . "." . $ip_explode[2] . "." . $ip_explode[3];
echo "IP Address: " . $ip_address . "<br />";
$name = $ip_address;
echo "Name: " . $name . "<br />";
if (substr($split, 0, 20) == "Nmap scan report for") {
// OK - we have a hit.
if (strpos($split, ")") !== false){
// Name resolution succeeded
$temp = explode(")",substr($split, strpos($split, "(")+1));
$ip_address = $temp[0];
echo "IP Address: " . $ip_address . "<br />";
$temp = explode(" ", $split);
$temp2 = explode(".", $temp[4]);
$name = $temp2[0];
echo "Name: " . $name . "<br />";
} else {
// No name resolution
$temp = explode(" ",$split);
$ip_address = trim($temp[4]);
$ip_explode = explode(".",$ip_address);
if (strlen($ip_explode[0]) < 2){$ip_explode[0] = "0" . $ip_explode[0];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[0]) < 3){$ip_explode[0] = "0" . $ip_explode[0];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[1]) < 2){$ip_explode[1] = "0" . $ip_explode[1];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[1]) < 3){$ip_explode[1] = "0" . $ip_explode[1];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[2]) < 2){$ip_explode[2] = "0" . $ip_explode[2];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[2]) < 3){$ip_explode[2] = "0" . $ip_explode[2];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[3]) < 2){$ip_explode[3] = "0" . $ip_explode[3];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[3]) < 3){$ip_explode[3] = "0" . $ip_explode[3];}
$ip_address = $ip_explode[0] . "." . $ip_explode[1] . "." . $ip_explode[2] . "." . $ip_explode[3];
echo "IP Address: " . $ip_address . "<br />";
$name = $ip_address;
echo "Name: " . $name . "<br />";
//if ((substr($split, 0, 25) == "All 3199 scanned ports on") or (substr($split, 0, 25) == "All 3185 scanned ports on") or (substr($split, 0, 25) == "All 1711 scanned ports on") or (substr($split, 0, 25) == "All 1697 scanned ports on") or (substr($split, 0, 25) == "All 1488 scanned ports on")) {
if (preg_match("/^All (\d)* scanned ports on/",$split)){
// OK - we have a hit (but all scanned ports are closed or filtered).
$temp = explode(" ", $split);
$temp2 = $temp[6];
if (strpos($temp2, ")") !== false){
// Name resolution succeeded
$temp = explode(")",substr($split, strpos($split, "(")+1));
$ip_address = $temp[0];
echo "IP Address: " . $ip_address . "<br />";
$temp = explode(" ", $split);
$temp2 = explode(".", $temp[5]);
$name = $temp2[0];
echo "Name: " . $name . "<br />";
} else {
// No name resolution
$temp = explode(" ",$split);
$ip_address = $temp[5];
$ip_explode = explode(".",$ip_address);
if (strlen($ip_explode[0]) < 2){$ip_explode[0] = "0" . $ip_explode[0];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[0]) < 3){$ip_explode[0] = "0" . $ip_explode[0];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[1]) < 2){$ip_explode[1] = "0" . $ip_explode[1];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[1]) < 3){$ip_explode[1] = "0" . $ip_explode[1];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[2]) < 2){$ip_explode[2] = "0" . $ip_explode[2];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[2]) < 3){$ip_explode[2] = "0" . $ip_explode[2];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[3]) < 2){$ip_explode[3] = "0" . $ip_explode[3];}
if (strlen($ip_explode[3]) < 3){$ip_explode[3] = "0" . $ip_explode[3];}
$ip_address = $ip_explode[0] . "." . $ip_explode[1] . "." . $ip_explode[2] . "." . $ip_explode[3];
echo "IP Address: " . $ip_address . "<br />";
$name = $ip_address;
echo "Name: " . $name . "<br />";
} // End of for each
if ($device_type == ""){$device_type = "unknown";}
if ($running == ""){$running = "unknown";}
if (substr_count($device_type, "general purpose") > "0"){
if (substr_count($running, "Linux") > "0") { $device_type = "os_linux";}
if (substr_count($running, "Windows") > "0") { $device_type = "os_windows"; echo "Windows.<br />";}
if (substr_count($running, "unix") > "0") { $device_type = "os_unix";}
if (substr_count($running, "MAC") > "0") { $device_type = "os_mac";}
if (substr_count($running, "AIX") > "0") { $device_type = "os_unix";}
if (substr_count($running, "SCO UnixWare") > "0"){ $device_type = "os_unix";}
} else {}

if (isset($mac) AND $mac <> "00:00:00:00:00:00"){
// First check the network_card table
$sql = "SELECT net_uuid FROM network_card WHERE net_mac_address = '" . $mac . "'";
echo $sql . "<br />";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Query Failed: <br />$sql<br />' . mysql_error() . '<br />' . $sql);
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (isset($myrow["net_uuid"])){
$process = "network_mac";
$uuid = $myrow["net_uuid"];
} else {
// Not in network_card - check other table
$sql = "SELECT other_id, other_mac_address FROM other WHERE other_mac_address = '" . $mac . "' OR other_ip_address = '" . ip_trans_to($ip_address) . "' ORDER BY other_timestamp";
echo $sql . "<br />";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Query Failed: <br />$sql<br />' . mysql_error() . '<br />' . $sql);
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (isset($myrow["other_id"])){
$process = "other_mac";
$uuid = $myrow["other_id"];
if ($myrow["other_mac_address"] <> ""){$mac = $myrow["other_mac_address"];}
} else {}

if ($mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00"){
$sql = "SELECT net_uuid FROM network_card WHERE net_ip_address = '" . ip_trans_to($ip_address) . "'";
echo $sql . "<br />";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Query Failed: <br />$sql<br />' . mysql_error() . '<br />' . $sql);
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (isset($myrow["net_uuid"])){
$process = "network_ip";
$uuid = $myrow["net_uuid"];
} else {
$sql = "SELECT other_id FROM other WHERE other_ip_address = '" . ip_trans_to($ip_address) . "'";
echo $sql . "<br />";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Query Failed: <br />$sql<br />' . mysql_error() . '<br />' . $sql);
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (isset($myrow["other_id"])){
$process = "other_ip";
$uuid = $myrow["other_id"];
} else {}
} else {}

if ($uuid == "" and $mac <> "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
// Insert into other table
$sql = "INSERT INTO other (other_network_name, other_ip_address, other_mac_address, ";
$sql .= "other_description, other_manufacturer, other_type, ";
$sql .= "other_timestamp, other_first_timestamp) VALUES (";
$sql .= "'$name','" . ip_trans_to($ip_address) . "','$mac',";
$sql .= "'$running','$manufacturer','$device_type',";
$sql .= "'$timestamp','$timestamp')";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Insert Failed: <br />' . $sql . '<br />' . mysql_error());
$uuid = mysql_insert_id();
$process = "new_other";
echo $sql . "<br />";
} else {}

if ($process == "other_mac"){
$sql = "UPDATE other SET other_ip_address = '". ip_trans_to($ip_address) . "', ";
$sql .= "other_mac_address = '$mac', other_timestamp = '$timestamp' ";
$sql .= "WHERE other_id = '$uuid'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Insert Failed: <br />' . $sql . '<br />' . mysql_error());
//$uuid = mysql_insert_id();
$process = "update_other";
echo $sql . "<br />\n";
} else {}

if ($process <> ""){
// Process the file
echo "UUID: " . $uuid . "<br />";
echo "Process: " . $process . "<br />";
$sql = "DELETE FROM nmap_ports WHERE nmap_other_id = '" . $uuid . "'";
echo $sql . "<br />\n";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Delete Failed: <br />' . $sql . '<br />' . mysql_error());
foreach ($input as $split) {
// Search every row for tcp/udp open or open|filtered ports
if (strpos($split, "open") === false) {
} else if ((strpos($split, "/tcp") === false) and (strpos($split, "/udp") === false)) {
} else {
$temp = explode(" ", $split);
$temp1 = explode("/", $temp[0]);
$port_number = $temp1[0];
$port_proto = $temp1[1];
$pos = strlen($temp[0]) + 1;
while (substr($split, $pos, 1) == " ") {
$pos++; }
$temp = substr($split, $pos);
$temp1 = explode(" ", $temp);
$port_state = $temp1[0];
$pos = $pos + strlen($port_state);
while (substr($split, $pos, 1) == " ") {
$pos++; }
$temp = substr($split, $pos);
$temp1 = explode(" ", $temp);
$port_name = $temp1[0];
$pos = $pos + strlen($port_name);
while (substr($split, $pos, 1) == " ") {
$pos++; }
$port_version = rtrim(substr($split, $pos));
if ($port_version == "") {
$port_version = "Not detected"; }
else { }

echo "<br /> Port found. <br />";
echo "Port: " . $port_number . "<br />";
echo "Protocol: " . $port_proto . "<br />";
echo "State: " . $port_state . "<br />";
echo "Service: " . $port_name . "<br />";
echo "Version: " . $port_version . "<br />";

$sql = "INSERT INTO nmap_ports (nmap_other_id, nmap_port_number, nmap_port_proto, nmap_port_name, nmap_port_version, nmap_timestamp) VALUES (";
$sql .= "'" . $uuid . "','" . $port_number . "','" . $port_proto . "','" . $port_name . "','" . $port_version . "','" . $timestamp . "')";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Insert Failed: <br />' . $sql . '<br />' . mysql_error());
echo "<br />" . $sql . "<br />";
}// End of foreach
}//End of if ($process <> "")

//echo "<br />" .$sql . "<br />";

} // End of isset($_POST["submit"])
else {

echo "<form action=\"admin_nmap_input.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo "<table>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><textarea rows=\"20\" name=\"add\" cols=\"90\" class=\"for_forms\"></textarea></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><input name=\"submit\" value=\"".__("Save")."\" type=\"submit\" /></td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</form>\n";


echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>\n";


Author:  webtony [ Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nmap requirements

Thanks for the updated admin_nmap_input.php code. I'll update my page and give the namp scan a try after. I was trying to use the from the machine I'm hosting on but bash doesn't like coding of the for statment even though it looks fine.

I appreciate the help. Wonderful IT tool!

Author:  George30 [ Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nmap requirements

im new in this site and ill wanna say thank you for the information you given..
so your problem was ok or you have some error??
have a nice day..

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Author:  webtony [ Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nmap requirements

After using the code posted by jpa allowed the nmap scripts to work. I had tried using the vbs scripts from a windows machine after I updated the admin_nmap_input.php page but didn't use the linux script again so I'm not sure if that one will work.

Author:  fredattoni [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nmap requirements

HI all,
OpenAudit its working great :)
So now it's a time to use nmap :evil:
I see im audit.vbs a settings to set the subnet.
How i can define the settings of scan? Like a command line; exemple:

nmap -T4 -F

I just do a quick scan in my network and add information in site.

Where i can set this settings?

Tks all :)



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