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 Post subject: My modified audit.vbs...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:35 am 

Joined: Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:15 am
Posts: 71
Ok - I've been emailing Mike a few times, and I have an audit.vbs I'd like for some of the high-end users (and moderators) to take a look at.

I needed to modify this because I felt that I shouldn't have to have multiple audit.vbs files for different configurations. For example, I use the same audit.vbs to run against a dynamic OU that is being populated with computers daily and then again at a different time during the day where it will query a static list of servers.

I'm not totally done with it, as I'm not sure how far to go with the command-line switches...let me know - should I just mimic all the audit.conf settings?

Am I crazy, should I have even done this? :)

Basically, I added some command-line switches:
computer: (computername)
user: (domain\username)
password: (password)
config: (name of .conf file to use)
list: (path of computer list to run against)

I added a section that had some default configuration parameters, which get superseded by the command-line switches (i.e. if you downloaded and ran the file without having access to the config files).

I also added a path entry that prefixes against the configuration file statement:

strScriptPath = replace(wscript.scriptfullname,wscript.scriptname,"")

ExecuteGlobal CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(strScriptPath & "\audit.config").ReadAll

This code executes if no command-line switches are given. If the 'config' switch is specified, it will supersede the static entries in the script itself. Those are there as more of a failsafe than anything else.

I also modified the location for the user customizable software config gets loaded. Also, if you do not specify a path with backslashes, it will default to the script location to look for the config file.

I will add the code to take paths with spaces in it into consideration (i.e. you will have to enclose your paths with quotes when specifying them in the command-line switch).

Just want to hear what you think about it...

' Open Audit '
' Software and Hardware Inventory '
' Outputs into MySQL '
' (c) Mark Unwin 2003 '
Dim verbose
Public online
Dim strComputer
Dim mysql
Dim input_file
Dim email_to
Dim email_from
Dim email_failed
Dim email_server
Dim audit_local_domain
Dim local_domain
Dim sql
Dim comment
Dim net_mac_uuid
Dim blnCScript
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments

If InStr(ucase(WScript.FullName),"CSCRIPT.EXE") Then
blnCScript = TRUE
blnCScript = FALSE
End If

strScriptPath = replace(wscript.scriptfullname,wscript.scriptname,"")
form_total = ""

'Get command-line arguments
If objargs.count < 1 Then
' Below calls the file audit_include.vbs to setup the variables.
ExecuteGlobal CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(strScriptPath & "\audit.config").ReadAll
'Default variables
audit_location = "l"
verbose = "y"
online = "yesxml"
strComputer = "."
ie_visible = "n"
ie_auto_submit = "y"
ie_submit_verbose = "y"
ie_form_page = "http://yourserver/admin_pc_add_1.php"
non_ie_page = "http://yourserver/admin_pc_add_2.php"
input_file = ""
email_to = ""
email_from = ""
email_server = ""
audit_local_domain = "n"
local_domain = "LDAP://yourdomain"
hfnet = "n"
Count = 0
number_of_audits = 20
script_name = "audit.vbs"
monitor_detect = "y"
printer_detect = "y"
software_audit = "y"
uuid_type = "mac"

For I = 0 to objArgs.Count - 1
If InStr(1,LCase(objargs(I)),"computer:") Then
arrComputer = split(lcase(objargs(I)),"computer:")
strComputer = arrComputer(1)
ElseIf InStr(1,LCase(objargs(I)),"user:") Then
arrUser = split(lcase(objargs(I)),"user:")
strUser = arrUser(1)
ElseIf InStr(1,LCase(objargs(I)),"password:") Then
arrPassword = split(lcase(objargs(I)),"password:")
strPass = arrPassword(1)
ElseIf InStr(1,LCase(objargs(I)),"config:") Then
arrConfig = split(lcase(objargs(I)),"config:")
strConfig = arrConfig(1)
If Not instr(objargs(I),"\") then
strConfig = strScriptPath & "\" & strConfig
End If
' Below calls the file audit_include.vbs to setup the variables.
ExecuteGlobal CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(strConfig).ReadAll
ElseIf InStr(1,LCase(objargs(I)),"list:") Then
arrlist = split(lcase(objargs(I)),"list:")
input_file = arrList(1)
'If Not instr(objargs(I),chr(34)) then

'End If

End If
End If

' If any command line args given - use the first one as strComputer
'If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
'strComputer = wscript.arguments(0)
'end if
'If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 1 Then
'strUser = wscript.arguments(1)
'end if
'If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 2 Then
'strPass = wscript.arguments(2)
'end if

if online = "p" then
Dim oIE
Dim bWaitforChoice
Dim ItemChosen
Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
oIE.Visible = True
oIE.Fullscreen = False
oIE.Toolbar = True
oIE.Statusbar = False
oIE.document.ParentWindow.resizeto 800,600
oIE.document.WriteLn "<html>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<head>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<title>Open Audit - Audit Result</title>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<style type=""text/css"">"
oIE.document.WriteLn "body {"
oIE.document.WriteLn " font-family: verdana;"
oIE.document.WriteLn " font-size: 9pt;"
oIE.document.WriteLn "}"
oIE.document.WriteLn "h1,h2 {"
oIE.document.WriteLn " font-family: Trebuchet MS;"
oIE.document.WriteLn "}"
oIE.document.WriteLn ".content {"
oIE.document.WriteLn " position: relative;"
oIE.document.WriteLn " width: 600px;"
oIE.document.WriteLn " min-width: 700px;"
oIE.document.WriteLn " margin: 0 0px 10px 0px;"
oIE.document.WriteLn " border: 1px solid black;"
oIE.document.WriteLn " background-color: white;"
oIE.document.WriteLn " padding: 10px;"
oIE.document.WriteLn " z-index: 3;"
oIE.document.WriteLn " font-family: verdana;"
oIE.document.WriteLn " font-size: 9pt;"
oIE.document.WriteLn "}"
oIE.document.WriteLn "</style>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "</head>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<body>"
end if

' Uncomment the 3 lines below to '
' have the script ask for a PC '
' to audit (name or IP) '
'strAnswer = InputBox("PC to run audit on:", "Audit Script")
'If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Input PC Name: " & strAnswer
'strComputer = strAnswer

' Check that softwarefiles.xml '
' is correct '
' '

if (software_audit = "y" and software_file_audit = "y") then
set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

if (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo("Error Code: " & xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode)
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo("Error Reason: " & xmlDoc.parseError.reason)
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo("Error Line: " & xmlDoc.parseError.srcText)
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo("Error Line Number: " & xmlDoc.parseError.line)
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo("")
end if
end if

' Don't change the settings below here '
Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003
Const ForAppending = 8

' Clear Failed Audits File '
' Check if failed_audits.txt exists, and create it if need be.
' If file exists - remove contents
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists("failed_audits.txt") Then
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("failed_audits.txt", 2)
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("failed_audits.txt", 2)
End If

' Process the manual input '
if strComputer <> "" then

if (IsConnectible(strComputer, "", "") OR (strComputer = ".")) Then
if strUser <> "" and strPass <> "" then
' Username & Password provided - assume not a domain local PC.
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Username and password provided - therefore assuming NOT a local domain PC."
end if
Set wmiLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set wmiNameSpace = wmiLocator.ConnectServer( strComputer, "root\default", strUser, strPass)
Set oReg = wmiNameSpace.Get("StdRegProv")
Set objWMIService = wmiLocator.ConnectServer(strComputer, "root\cimv2",strUser,strPass)
objWMIService.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3
end if
if strUser = "" and strPass = "" then
' No Username & Password provided - assume a domain local PC
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "No username and password provided - therefore assuming local domain PC."
end if
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
end if
Audit (strComputer)
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo strComputer & " not available."
end if
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("failed_audits.txt", 8)
objFile.WriteLine strComputer
end if
end if

' Audit the local domain, if requested '
if audit_local_domain = "y" then
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set objCOmmand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
objCommand.CommandText = "Select Name, Location from '" & local_domain & "' Where objectClass='computer'"
objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
objCommand.Properties("Searchscope") = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE
objCommand.Properties("Sort On") = "name"
Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute

totcomp = objRecordset.recordcount -1
Redim comparray(totcomp) ' set array to computer count

Do Until objRecordSet.EOF
On Error Resume Next
strComputer = objRecordSet.Fields("Name").Value
comparray(count) = strComputer ' Feed computers into array
count = count + 1
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Computer Name from ldap: " & strComputer
end if

num_running = HowMany
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Number of systems retrieved from ldap: " & Ubound(comparray)
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "--------------"
end if

For i = 0 To Ubound(comparray)
' For i = 118 To 128
while num_running > number_of_audits
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Processes running (" & num_running & ") greater than number wanted (" & number_of_audits & ")"
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Therefore - sleeping for 4 seconds."
end if
wscript.Sleep 4000
num_running = HowMany
if comparray(i) <> "" then
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo i & " of " & Ubound(comparray)
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Processes running: " & num_running
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Next System: " & comparray(i)
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "--------------"
end if
command1 = "cscript " & script_name & " computer:" & comparray(i)
set sh1=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sh1.Run command1, 6, False
set sh1 = nothing
num_running = HowMany
end if
end if

' Read the text file if requested '
' and audit PCs within - line '
' by line '
On Error Resume Next
if input_file <> "" then
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFileReading = objFSO.OpenTextFile(input_file, 1)
dimarray = objTextFileReading.Line - 1
Redim comparray(dimarray)
Redim userarray(dimarray)
Redim passarray(dimarray)
Set objTextFileReading = objFSO.OpenTextFile(input_file, 1)
Do Until objTextFileReading.AtEndOfStream
strString = objTextFileReading.ReadLine
strSplit = split(strString, ",")
comparray(count) = strSplit(0)
userarray(count) = strSplit(1)
passarray(count) = strSplit(2)
count = count + 1
num_running = HowMany
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "File " & input_file & " read into array."
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Number of systems retrieved from file: " & Ubound(comparray)
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "--------------"
end if
For i = 0 To Ubound(comparray)
while num_running > number_of_audits
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Processes running (" & num_running & ") greater than number wanted (" & number_of_audits & ")"
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Therefore - sleeping for 4 seconds."
end if
wscript.Sleep 4000
num_running = HowMany
if comparray(i) <> "" then
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo i & " of " & Ubound(comparray)
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Processes running: " & num_running
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "Next System: " & comparray(i)
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "--------------"
end if
command1 = "cscript " & script_name & " computer:" & comparray(i) & " user:" & userarray(i) & " password:" & passarray(i)
set sh1=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sh1.Run command1, 6, False
set sh1 = nothing
num_running = HowMany
end if
end if

' Give the spawned scripts time to fail before emailing
wscript.Sleep 6000

' Open the file failed_audits.txt, read the contents and store in failed_audits variable
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("failed_audits.txt", 1)
email_failed = objFile.ReadAll

' Send an email of failed audits '
' if there are any '
if email_failed <> "" then
Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objEmail.From = email_from
objEmail.To = email_to
objEmail.Subject = "Failed Open Audits."
objEmail.Textbody = "The following systems failed to audit: " & vbCRLF & email_failed
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = email_server
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 25
end if

' Exit the script

function Audit(strComputer)
start_time = Timer
dim dt : dt = Now()
timestamp = Year(dt) & Right("0" & Month(dt),2) & Right("0" & Day(dt),2) & Right("0" & Hour(dt),2) & Right("0" & Minute(dt),2) & Right("0" & Second(dt),2)

' Who are we auditing '
On Error Resume Next
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
system_name = objItem.Name
domain = objItem.Domain
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select IPAddress from Win32_networkadapterconfiguration WHERE IPEnabled='TRUE'",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
system_ip = objItem.IPAddress(0)
Set wshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Network" )
user_name = wshNetwork.userName
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
system_id_number = clean(objItem.IdentifyingNumber)
system_vendor = clean(objItem.Vendor)
system_uuid = objItem.UUID

if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "PC name supplied: " & strComputer
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "PC name from WMI: " & system_name
full_system_name = LCase(system_name) & "." & LCase(domain)
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "User executing this script: " & user_name
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "System UUID: " & system_uuid
end if
ns_ip = NSlookup(system_name)
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "IP: " & ns_ip
end if
if online = "p" then
oIE.document.WriteLn "<h1>Open Audit</h1><br />"
end if

' Double check WMI is working '
if ((UCase(strComputer) <> system_name) AND (strComputer <> ".") AND (strComputer <> full_system_name) AND (strComputer <> ns_ip) AND (strComputer <> system_ip)) then
email_failed = email_failed & strComputer & ", " & VBcrlf
ie = nothing
exit function
end if

' Setup for Offline file creation '
if online = "n" then
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile (system_name & ".txt", ForAppending, True)
end if

' Network Information '
comment = "Network Info"
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo comment
end if
On Error Resume Next
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select * from win32_networkadapterconfiguration WHERE IPEnabled='TRUE' " _
& "AND ServiceName<>'AsyncMac' AND ServiceName<>'VMnetx' " _
& "AND ServiceName<>'VMnetadapter' AND ServiceName<>'Rasl2tp' " _
& "AND ServiceName<>'msloop' " _
& "AND ServiceName<>'PptpMiniport' AND ServiceName<>'Raspti' " _
& "AND ServiceName<>'NDISWan' AND ServiceName<>'NdisWan4' AND ServiceName<>'RasPppoe' " _
& "AND ServiceName<>'NdisIP' AND ServiceName<>'' AND Description<>'PPP Adapter.'",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
net_ip = objItem.IPAddress(0)
net_mac = objItem.MACAddress
net_description = objItem.Description
net_dhcp_enabled = objItem.DHCPEnabled
net_dhcp_server = objItem.DHCPServer
net_dns_host_name = objItem.DNSHostName
if isarray(objItem.DNSServerSearchOrder) then
net_dns_server = objItem.DNSServerSearchOrder(0)
net_dns_server_2 = objItem.DNSServerSearchOrder(1)
end if
net_ip_subnet = objItem.IPSubnet(0)
net_wins_primary = objItem.WINSPrimaryServer
net_wins_secondary = objItem.WINSSecondaryServer
Set colItems2 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE MACAddress='" & objItem.MACAddress & "'",,48)
For Each objItem2 in colItems2
net_adapter_type = objItem2.AdapterType
net_manufacturer = objItem2.Manufacturer
' Below is to account for a NULL in various items
if net_ip = "" then net_ip = ""
if isnull(net_dns_server_2) then net_dns_server_2 = "none"
if isnull(net_dhcp_server) then net_dhcp_server = "none"
if net_dhcp_server = "" then net_dhcp_server = "none"
if isnull(net_dns_server) then net_dns_server = "none"
if isnull(net_ip_subnet) then net_ip_subnet = "none"
net_description = clean(net_description)
' IP Address padded with zeros so it sorts properly
MyIP = Split(net_ip, ".", -1, 1)
if MyIP(0) <> "169" AND MyIP(1) <> "254" then
MyIP(0) = right("000" & MyIP(0),3)
MyIP(1) = right("000" & MyIP(1),3)
MyIP(2) = right("000" & MyIP(2),3)
MyIP(3) = right("000" & MyIP(3),3)
net_ip = MyIP(0) & "." & MyIP(1) & "." & MyIP(2) & "." & MyIP(3)
if net_ip <> "" then net_ip_address = net_ip end if
end if
if net_dhcp_server <> "" then
form_input = "network^^^" & net_mac & "^^^" & net_description & "^^^" & net_dhcp_enabled _
& "^^^" & net_dhcp_server & "^^^" & net_dns_host_name & "^^^" & net_dns_server _
& "^^^" & net_ip & "^^^" & net_ip_subnet & "^^^" & net_wins_primary _
& "^^^" & net_wins_secondary & "^^^" & net_adapter_type & "^^^" & net_manufacturer & "^^^"
entry form_input,comment,objTextFile,oAdd,oComment
form_input = ""
if net_mac_uuid = "" then net_mac_uuid = net_mac end if
end if

On Error Resume Next
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
net_domain = objItem.Domain
net_user_name = objItem.UserName
On Error Resume Next
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NTDomain",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
net_client_site_name = objItem.ClientSiteName
net_domain_controller_address = objItem.DomainControllerAddress
net_domain_controller_name = objItem.DomainControllerName

if isnull(net_ip_address) then net_ip_address = "" end if

if isnull(net_domain) then
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon", "DefaultDomainName", net_domain
if isnull(net_domain) then net_domain = "" end if
end if
if isnull(net_user_name) then
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon", "DefaultUserName", net_user_name
if isnull(net_user_name) then net_user_name = "" end if
end if

if isnull(net_client_site_name) then net_client_site_name = "" end if
if isnull(net_domain_controller_address) then net_domain_controller_address = "" end if
if isnull(net_domain_controller_name) then net_domain_controller_name = "" end if

form_input = "system01^^^" & clean(net_ip_address) & "^^^" & clean(net_domain) _
& "^^^" & clean(net_user_name) & "^^^" & clean(net_client_site_name) _
& "^^^" & clean(Replace(net_domain_controller_address, "\\", "")) & "^^^" & clean(Replace(net_domain_controller_name, "\\", "")) & "^^^"
entry form_input,comment,objTextFile,oAdd,oComment
form_input = ""

' Make the UUID '
if uuid_type = "uuid" then
' Do nothing - system_uuid is the uuid already
end if

if uuid_type = "mac" then
if net_mac_uuid <> "" then system_uuid = net_mac_uuid end if
end if

if uuid_type = "name" then
if (system_name + "." + net_domain) <> "." then system_uuid = system_name + "." + net_domain end if
end if

' Defaults below here account for oddities
if ((isnull(system_uuid) OR system_uuid = "") AND (system_model <> "") AND (system_id_number <> "")) then system_uuid = system_model + "." + system_id_number end if
if (isnull(system_uuid) OR system_uuid = "" OR system_uuid = ".") then system_uuid = system_name + "." + net_domain end if
if system_uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" then system_uuid = system_name + "." + domain end if
if system_uuid = "FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF" then system_uuid = system_name + "." + domain end if

form_input = ""
form_input = "audit^^^" & system_name & "^^^" & timestamp & "^^^" & system_uuid & "^^^" & user_name & "^^^" & ie_submit_verbose & "^^^" & software_audit & "^^^"
entry form_input,comment,objTextFile,oAdd,oComment

' System Information & Timezone '
comment = "System Info"
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo comment
end if
On Error Resume Next
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration",,48)
mem_count = 0
For Each objItem in colItems
mem_count = mem_count + objItem.Capacity
if mem_count > 0 then
mem_size = int(mem_count /1024 /1024)
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
mem_size = objItem.TotalPhysicalMemory
mem_size = int(mem_size /1024)
end if
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
system_model = clean(objItem.Model)
system_name = clean(objItem.Name)
system_num_processors = clean(objItem.NumberOfProcessors)
system_part_of_domain = clean(objItem.PartOfDomain)
system_primary_owner_name = clean(objItem.PrimaryOwnerName)
domain_role = clean(objItem.DomainRole)
if domain_role = "0" then domain_role_text = "Standalone Workstation" end if
if domain_role = "1" then domain_role_text = "Workstation" end if
if domain_role = "2" then domain_role_text = "Standalone Server" end if
if domain_role = "3" then domain_role_text = "Member Server" end if
if domain_role = "4" then domain_role_text = "Backup Domain Controller" end if
if domain_role = "5" then domain_role_text = "Primary Domain Controller" end if

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
system_system_type = Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",")

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_TimeZone",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
tm_zone = clean(objItem.Caption)
tm_daylight = clean(objItem.DaylightName)

if system_system_type = "1" then system_system_type = "Other" end if
if system_system_type = "2" then system_system_type = "Unknown" end if
if system_system_type = "3" then system_system_type = "Desktop" end if
if system_system_type = "4" then system_system_type = "Low Profile Desktop" end if
if system_system_type = "5" then system_system_type = "Pizza Box" end if
if system_system_type = "6" then system_system_type = "Mini Tower" end if
if system_system_type = "7" then system_system_type = "Tower" end if
if system_system_type = "8" then system_system_type = "Portable" end if
if system_system_type = "9" then system_system_type = "Laptop" end if
if system_system_type = "10" then system_system_type = "Notebook" end if
if system_system_type = "11" then system_system_type = "Hand Held" end if
if system_system_type = "12" then system_system_type = "Docking Station" end if
if system_system_type = "13" then system_system_type = "All in One" end if
if system_system_type = "14" then system_system_type = "Sub Notebook" end if
if system_system_type = "15" then system_system_type = "Space-Saving" end if
if system_system_type = "16" then system_system_type = "Lunch Box" end if
if system_system_type = "17" then system_system_type = "Main System Chassis" end if
if system_system_type = "18" then system_system_type = "Expansion Chassis" end if
if system_system_type = "19" then system_system_type = "SubChassis" end if
if system_system_type = "20" then system_system_type = "Bus Expansion Chassis" end if
if system_system_type = "21" then system_system_type = "Peripheral Chassis" end if
if system_system_type = "22" then system_system_type = "Storage Chassis" end if
if system_system_type = "23" then system_system_type = "Rack Mount Chassis" end if
if system_system_type = "24" then system_system_type = "Sealed-Case PC" end if

form_input = "system02^^^" & trim(system_model) & "^^^" & system_name _
& "^^^" & system_num_processors & "^^^" & system_part_of_domain _
& "^^^" & system_primary_owner_name & "^^^" & system_system_type _
& "^^^" & mem_size & "^^^" & system_id_number _
& "^^^" & trim(system_vendor) & "^^^" & domain_role_text _
& "^^^" & tm_zone & "^^^" & tm_daylight & "^^^"
entry form_input,comment,objTextFile,oAdd,oComment
form_input = ""

' Windows Information '
comment = "Windows Info"
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo comment
end if
On Error Resume Next

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
OSName = objItem.Caption
if objItem.OSType = "16" then
OSName = "Microsoft Windows 95"
end if
if objItem.OSType = "17" then
OSName = "Microsoft Windows 98"
if Instr(objItem.Name, "|") then
OSName = Left(objItem.Name, Instr(objItem.Name, "|") - 1)
OSName = objItem.Name
end if
end if
OSInstall = objItem.InstallDate
OSInstall = Left(OSInstall, 8)
OSInstallYear = Left(OSInstall, 4)
OSInstallMonth = Mid(OSInstall, 5, 2)
OSInstallDay = Right(OSInstall, 2)
OSInstall = OSInstallYear & "/" & OSInstallMonth & "/" & OSInstallDay
OSType = objItem.OSType
ServicePack = objItem.ServicePackMajorVersion
OSLang = objItem.OSLanguage
SystemBuildNumber = objItem.BuildNumber
sys_version = objItem.Version
system_description = clean(objItem.Description)
OSCaption = objItem.Caption
RegUser = clean(objItem.RegisteredUser)
WinDir = clean(objItem.WindowsDirectory)
RegOrg = clean(objItem.Organization)
Country = objItem.CountryCode
SerNum = objItem.SerialNumber
OSSerPack = objItem.ServicePackMajorVersion & "." & objItem.ServicePackMinorVersion
boot_device = clean(objItem.BootDevice)
build_number = clean(objItem.BuildNumber)
Version = objItem.Version
form_input = "system03^^^" & boot_device & "^^^" & build_number _
& "^^^" & OSType _
& "^^^" & OSName & "^^^" & Country _
& "^^^" & system_description & "^^^" & OSInstall _
& "^^^" & RegOrg & "^^^" & OSLang _
& "^^^" & RegUser & "^^^" & SerNum _
& "^^^" & OSSerPack & "^^^" & Version & "^^^" & WinDir & "^^^"
entry form_input,comment,objTextFile,oAdd,oComment
form_input = ""

if online = "p" then
oIE.document.WriteLn "<div id=""content"">"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""2"" cellspacing=""0"" class=""content"">"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td colspan=""2""><b>Network Information</b></td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td width=""250"">System Name: </td><td>" & system_name & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Description: </td><td>" & system_description & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>MAC Address: </td><td>" & net_mac & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>IP Address: </td><td> " & net_ip_address & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Subnet: </td><td>" & net_ip_subnet & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>DHCP Enabled: </td><td>" & net_dhcp_enabled & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>DHCP Server: </td><td>" & net_dhcp_server & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>WINS Server: </td><td>" & net_wins_primary & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>DNS Server: </td><td>" & net_dns_server & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>NIC Manufacturer: </td><td>" & net_manufacturer & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Description: </td><td>" & net_description & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Part of Domain: </td><td>" & system_part_of_domain & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Domain Role: </td><td>" & domain_role_text & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Domain: </td><td>" & net_domain & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Domain Site Name: </td><td>" & net_client_site_name & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Domain Controller Address: </td><td>" & Replace(net_domain_controller_address, "\\", "") & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Domain Controller Name: </td><td>" & Replace(net_domain_controller_name, "\\", "") & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "</table>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "</div>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<br />"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<div id=""content"">"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""2"" cellspacing=""0"" class=""content"">"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td colspan=""2""><b>System Information</b></td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>User Name: </td><td>" & Replace(net_user_name, "\\", "\") & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Date Audited: </td><td>" & date & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Time Zone: </td><td>" & tm_zone & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td width=""250"">Registered Owner: </td><td>" & system_primary_owner_name & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>UUID: </td><td>" & system_uuid & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Model: </td><td>" & system_model & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Serial: </td><td>" & system_id_number & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Manufacturer: </td><td>" & trim(system_vendor) & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Chassis: </td><td>" & system_system_type & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "</table></div>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<br />"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<div id=""content"">"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""2"" cellspacing=""0"" class=""content"">"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td colspan=""2""><b>Windows Information</b></td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>OS Name: </td><td>" & OSName & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>OS Install Date: </td><td>" & OSInstall & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Registered User: </td><td>" & RegUser & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Registered Organisation: </td><td>" & RegOrg & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Country: </td><td>" & Country & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Language: </td><td>" & OSLang & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Serial Number: </td><td>" & SerNum & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Service Pack: </td><td>" & OSSerPack & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Windows Directory: </td><td>" & Country & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "</table></div>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<br style=""page-break-before:always;"" />"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<div id=""content"">"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""2"" cellspacing=""0"" class=""content"">"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td colspan=""2""><b>Hardware</b></td></tr>"
end if

' Bios Information '
comment = "Bios Info"
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo comment
end if
On Error Resume Next

Set colSMBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure",,48)
For Each objSMBIOS in colSMBIOS
bios_asset = objSMBIOS.SMBIOSAssetTag

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
form_input = "bios^^^" & clean(objItem.Description) _
& "^^^" & clean(objItem.Manufacturer) _
& "^^^" & clean(objItem.SerialNumber) _
& "^^^" & clean(objItem.SMBIOSBIOSVersion) _
& "^^^" & clean(objItem.Version) _
& "^^^" & clean(bios_asset) & "^^^"
entry form_input,comment,objTextFile,oAdd,oComment
form_input = ""
if online = "p" then
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>BIOS Manufacturer: </td><td>" & clean(objItem.Manufacturer) & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>BIOS Version: </td><td>" & clean(objItem.Version) & "</td></tr>"
end if

' Processor Information '
comment = "Processor Info"
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo comment
end if
On Error Resume Next
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Processor",,48)
count = 0
For Each objItem in colItems
count = count + 1
if count > int(system_num_processors) then
Exit For
end if
form_input = "processor^^^" & clean(objItem.Caption) & "^^^" & clean(objItem.CurrentClockSpeed) & "^^^" _
& clean(objItem.CurrentVoltage) & "^^^" & clean(objItem.DeviceID) & "^^^" _
& clean(objItem.ExtClock) & "^^^" & clean(objItem.Manufacturer) & "^^^" _
& clean(objItem.MaxClockSpeed) & "^^^" & LTrim(clean(objItem.Name)) & "^^^" _
& clean(objItem.PowerManagementSupported) & "^^^" & clean(objItem.SocketDesignation) & "^^^"
entry form_input,comment,objTextFile,oAdd,oComment
form_input = ""
if online = "p" then
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td width=""250"">Processor: </td><td>" & clean(objItem.Caption) & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Processor Speed: </td><td>" & clean(objItem.MaxClockSpeed) & "</td></tr>"
end if

' Memory Information
comment = "Memory Info"
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo comment
end if
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select MemoryDevices FROM Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray WHERE Use = '3'",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
system_memory_banks = objItem.MemoryDevices
On Error Resume Next
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select Capacity,DeviceLocator,FormFactor,MemoryType,TypeDetail,Speed FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory",,48)
mem_count = 0
mem_size = 0

For Each objItem in colItems
mem_count = mem_count + 1

If mem_count > int(system_memory_banks) then
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo "mem_count: " & mem_count & " - system_memory_banks: " & int(system_memory_banks)
End If
Exit For
End If

If objItem.FormFactor = "7" then
mem_formfactor = "SIMM"
ElseIf objItem.FormFactor = "8" then
mem_formfactor = "DIMM"
ElseIf objItem.FormFactor = "11" then
mem_formfactor = "RIMM"
ElseIf objItem.FormFactor = "12" then
mem_formfactor = "SODIMM"
ElseIf objItem.FormFactor = "13" then
mem_formfactor = "SRIMM"
mem_formfactor = "Unknown"
End If

If objItem.MemoryType = "0" then
mem_detail = "Unknown"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "1" then
mem_detail = "Other"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "2" then
mem_detail = "DRAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "3" then
mem_detail = "Synchronous DRAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "4" then
mem_detail = "Cache DRAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "5" then
mem_detail = "EDO"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "6" then
mem_detail = "EDRAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "7" then
mem_detail = "VRAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "8" then
mem_detail = "SRAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "9" then
mem_detail = "RAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "10" then
mem_detail = "ROM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "11" then
mem_detail = "Flash"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "12" then
mem_detail = "EEPROM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "13" then
mem_detail = "FEPROM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "14" then
mem_detail = "EPROM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "15" then
mem_detail = "CDRAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "16" then
mem_detail = "3DRAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "17" then
mem_detail = "SDRAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "18" then
mem_detail = "SGRAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "19" then
mem_detail = "RDRAM"
ElseIf objItem.MemoryType = "20" then
mem_detail = "DDR"
End If

If objItem.TypeDetail = "1" then
mem_typedetail = "Reserved"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "2" then
mem_typedetail = "Other"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "4" then
mem_typedetail = "Unknown"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "8" then
mem_typedetail = "Fast-paged"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "16" then
mem_typedetail = "Static column"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "32" then
mem_typedetail = "Pseudo-static"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "64" then
mem_typedetail = "RAMBUS"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "128" then
mem_typedetail = "Synchronous"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "256" then
mem_typedetail = "CMOS"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "512" then
mem_typedetail = "EDO"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "1024" then
mem_typedetail = "Window DRAM"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "2048" then
mem_typedetail = "Cache DRAM"
ElseIf objItem.TypeDetail = "4096" then
mem_typedetail = "Non-volatile"
mem_typedetail = "Unknown"
End If
mem_bank = objItem.DeviceLocator
mem_size = int(objItem.Capacity /1024 /1024)

form_input = "memory^^^" & mem_bank & "^^^" & mem_formfactor & "^^^" & mem_detail & "^^^" _
& mem_typedetail & "^^^" & mem_size & "^^^" & clean(objItem.Speed) & "^^^"
entry form_input,comment,objTextFile,oAdd,oComment
form_input = ""
if online = "p" then
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Memory Slot / Type: </td><td>" & mem_bank & " / " & mem_detail & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Memory Size: </td><td>" & mem_size & "</td></tr>"
end if

If mem_size = 0 Then
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration",,48)

For Each objItem in colItems
mem_size = objItem.TotalPhysicalMemory
mem_size = int(mem_size /1024)

form_input = "memory^^^" & "Unknown" & "^^^" & "Unknown" & "^^^" & "Unknown" & "^^^" _
& "Unknown" & "^^^" & mem_size & "^^^" & "0" & "^^^"
entry form_input,comment,objTextFile,oAdd,oComment
form_input = ""

if online = "p" then
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Memory Slot / Type: </td><td>" & mem_bank & " / " & mem_detail & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Memory Size: </td><td>" & mem_size & "</td></tr>"
end if
End If

' Video Information '
comment = "Video Info"
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo comment
end if
On Error Resume Next
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_VideoController",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
If (Instr(objItem.Caption, "vnc") = 0 AND Instr(objItem.Caption, "Innobec SideWindow") = 0) then
LeftString = Left(objItem.DriverDate, 8)
form_input = "video^^^" & int(objItem.AdapterRAM / 1024 / 1024) & "^^^" _
& clean(objItem.Caption) & "^^^" & clean(objItem.CurrentHorizontalResolution) & "^^^" _
& clean(objItem.CurrentNumberOfColors) & "^^^" & clean(objItem.CurrentRefreshRate) & "^^^" _
& clean(objItem.CurrentVerticalResolution) & "^^^" & clean(objItem.Description) & "^^^" _
& Left(LeftString, 4) & "/" & Mid(LeftString, 5, 2) & "/" & Right(LeftString, 2) & "^^^" _
& clean(objItem.DriverVersion) & "^^^" & clean(objItem.MaxRefreshRate) & "^^^" _
& clean(objItem.MinRefreshRate) & "^^^" & clean(objItem.DeviceID) & "^^^"
entry form_input,comment,objTextFile,oAdd,oComment
form_input = ""
if online = "p" then
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Video Card: </td><td>" & clean(objItem.Caption) & " mb</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Video Memory: </td><td>" & int(objItem.AdapterRAM / 1024 / 1024) & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr bgcolor=""#F1F1F1""><td>Video Driver Date: </td><td>" & Left(LeftString, 4) & "/" & Mid(LeftString, 5, 2) & "/" & Right(LeftString, 2) & "</td></tr>"
oIE.document.WriteLn "<tr><td>Video Driver Version: </td><td>" & clean(objItem.DriverVersion) & "</td></tr>"
end if
end if

' Monitor Information '
comment = "Monitor Info"
if verbose = "y" then
If blnCScript Then wscript.echo comment
end if
Dim strarrRawEDID()
Const HKLM = &H80000002
sBaseKey = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\"
iRC = oReg.EnumKey(HKLM, sBaseKey, arSubKeys)

For Each sKey In arSubKeys
sBaseKey2 = sBaseKey & sKey & "\"
iRC2 = oReg.EnumKey(HKLM, sBaseKey2, arSubKeys2)
For Each sKey2 In arSubKeys2
oReg.GetMultiStringValue HKLM, sBaseKey2 & sKey2 & "\", "HardwareID", sValue
for tmpctr=0 to ubound(svalue)
if lcase(left(svalue(tmpctr),8))="monitor\" then
sBaseKey3 = sBaseKey2 & sKey2 & "\"
iRC3 = oReg.EnumKey(HKLM, sBaseKey3, arSubKeys3)
For Each sKey3 In arSubKeys3
if skey3="Control" then
oReg.GetStringValue HKLM, sbasekey3, "DeviceDesc", temp_model
oReg.GetStringValue HKLM, sbasekey3, "Mfg", temp_manuf
oReg.GetBinaryValue HKLM, sbasekey3 & "Device Parameters\", "EDID", arrintEDID
if VarType(arrintedid) <> 8204 then
strRawEDID="EDID Not Available"
for each bytevalue in arrintedid
strRawEDID=strRawEDID & chr(bytevalue)
end If
redim Preserve strarrRawEDID(intMonitorCount)
end If
end If

dim arrMonitorInfo()
redim arrMonitorInfo(intMonitorCount-1,5)
dim location(3)

'for tmpctr=0 to intMonitorCount-1
if strarrRawEDID(tmpctr) <> "EDID Not Available" then
strSerFind=chr(&H00) & chr(&H00) & chr(&H00) & chr(&Hff)
strMdlFind=chr(&H00) & chr(&H00) & chr(&H00) & chr(&Hfc)
for findit = 0 to 3
if instr(location(findit),strSerFind)>0 then
end If
if instr(location(findit),strMdlFind)>0 then
end If
if intSerFoundAt<>-1 Then tmp=right(location(intSerFoundAt),14)
if instr(tmp,chr(&H0a))>0 Then
end If
if left(tmpser,1)=chr(0) Then
tmpser="Serial Number Not Found in EDID data"
end If
if intMdlFoundAt<>-1 Then tmp=right(location(intMdlFoundAt),14)
if instr(tmp,chr(&H0a))>0 Then
end If
if left(tmpmdl,1)=chr(0) Then
tmpmdl="Model Descriptor Not Found in EDID data"
end If
tmpmdt=month(dateadd("ww",tmpmfgweek,datevalue("1/1/" & tmpmfgyear))) & "/" & tmpmfgyear
tmpver=chr(48+tmpEDIDMajorVer) & "." & chr(48+tmpEDIDRev)
Char1=0 : Char2=0 : Char3=0
if (Byte1 and 64) > 0 then Char1=Char1+16
if (Byte1 and 32) > 0 then Char1=Char1+8
if (Byte1 and 16) > 0 then Char1=Char1+4
if (Byte1 and 8) > 0 then Char1=Char1+2
if (Byte1 and 4) > 0 then Char1=Char1+1
if (Byte1 and 2) > 0 then Char2=Char2+16
if (Byte1 and 1) > 0 then Char2=Char2+8
if (Byte2 and 128) > 0 then Char2=Char2+4
if (Byte2 and 64) &g

Server Info:
OS : Windows Server 2003
Auditing: ~300 machines
LDAP: Windows Server 2003 Active Directory

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