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PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:46 am 

Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:59 am
Posts: 2
I recently installed version 1.4.1 Everything seems to be auditing fine but it seems the database keeps filling up with at least 100k reports a day. This did not used to happen before. When we attempt to run software reports we usually receive this error message:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 29292623 bytes) in C:\xampplite\open-audit\code_igniter\system\core\Output.php on line 366.

If I run database maintenance and clear out the alerts it is fine but then we are unable to view the newly installed software. The few times we were able to view the software reports ALL of the software was "software removed" and not installed.

Do you have any ideas as to what might be causing this? I audit via active directory 9:00 PM daily.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 4:59 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:27 am
Posts: 1259
How, exactly do you audit?

I'm not sure what is going on in your config but one way to get lot's of Add/Remove Software alerts is to alternate audits done with skip_software set to "n" and with it set to "y".

The skip_software=n adds a bunch of software and the next audit with skip_software=y deletes the software. Repeat for problems!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:46 am 

Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:59 am
Posts: 2
I audit via a script that runs daily @ 9:00 PM from microsoft task scheduler. Where is skip_software at? I did not alternate anything, all I really did was enter my domain and a user account/password. If you have any recommendations please let me know! Thank you!

The script that runs is:

@echo off
REM The following will run OpenAudit
cd C:\xampplite\open-audit\other
cscript audit_domain.vbs

This is my audit domain vbs file:

' Copyright 2003-2014 Opmantek Limited (
' This file is part of Open-AudIT.
' Open-AudIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
' it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
' by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
' (at your option) any later version.
' Open-AudIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
' You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
' along with Open-AudIT (most likely in a file named LICENSE).
' If not, see <>
' For further information on Open-AudIT or for a license other than AGPL please see
' or email
' *****************************************************************************

' @package Open-AudIT
' @author Mark Unwin <>
' @version 1.4
' @copyright Copyright (c) 2014, Opmantek
' @license aGPL v3


' the number of audits to run concurrently
number_of_audits = 25

' this tells the script to run the audit from this PC or
' to copy the files to the remote pc and run the script remotely using PSexec

' NOTE - make sure if using the "remote" option that network comms are allowed
' to be initated at the remote PC, connecting to the Open-AudIT host
audit_run_type = "remote"
audit_run_type = "local"

' the below are needed for remote audits as PSexec takes them as command line arguements
' I don't think (could be wrong) that PSexec can use the local logged on users credentials
' If it can, someone please provide me with a "how to"
' NOTE - if using the "local" option, the below are not needed
remote_user = "myusername"
remote_password = "mypass"

' the name and path of the audit script to use
script_name = "c:\xampplite\open-audit\other\audit_windows.vbs"

' set the below to your active directory domain
' you can add multiple domains in the array below.
'domain_array = array("LDAP://mydomain")
domain_array = array("")

debugging = 3

help = "n"

' if operating_system has a value,
' restricts the audit to only systems with the specified operating system

operating_system = "Windows 2000 Professional"
operating_system = "Windows Vista"
operating_system = "Windows 2000 Server"
operating_system = "Windows Server 2008"
operating_system = "Windows Server 2003"
operating_system = "Windows 7"
operating_system = "Windows 8"
operating_system = "Server"
operating_system = "Windows"

' if set, create an output file of all retrieved systems from active directory
output_file = ""

' update with any submitted command line switches
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments

For Each strArg in objArgs
if instr(strArg, "=") then
varArray = split(strArg, "=")
select case varArray(0)

case "audit_run_type"
audit_run_type = varArray(1)

case "debugging"
debugging = varArray(1)

case "help"
help = varArray(1)

case "local_domain"
local_domain = varArray(1)

case "number_of_audits"
number_of_audits = varArray(1)

case "operating_system"
operating_system = varArray(1)

case "script_name"
script_name = varArray(1)

case "remote_password"
remote_password = varArray(1)

case "remote_user"
remote_user = varArray(1)

end select
if (strArg = "/?" or strArg = "/help") then
help = "y"
end if
end if

if (help = "y") then
wscript.echo "------------------------------"
wscript.echo "Open-AudIT Domain Audit Script"
wscript.echo "(c) Opmantek, 2014."
wscript.echo "------------------------------"
wscript.echo "This script should be used on a Windows based computer to discover Active Directory computers."
wscript.echo "It queries Active Directory and spawns an audit for each Windows computer found."
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo "Valid command line options are below (items containing * are the defaults) and should take the format name=value (eg: debugging=1)."
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo " audit_run_type"
wscript.echo " *local - Run the audit_windows script from this PC, targetting a remote PC."
wscript.echo " remote - Copy the audit_windows script to the remote PC and start it remotely."
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo " debugging"
wscript.echo " 0 - No output."
wscript.echo " 1 - Minimal Output."
wscript.echo " *2 - Verbose output."
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo " /? or help=y"
wscript.echo " y - Display this help output."
wscript.echo " *n - Do not display this output."
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo " local_domain"
wscript.echo " - The domain you wish to audit. Should be in the format LDAP://"
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo " number_of_audits"
wscript.echo " *25 - The number of concurrently spawned Windows audits."
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo " operating_system"
wscript.echo " *Windows - A string to match against each computer in the Active Directory domain. The provided script should match any part of a computers operating system name. Samples provided in the script."
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo " script_name"
wscript.echo " c:\xampplite\open-audit\other\audit_windows.vbs - The full path to and file name of audit_windows.vbs."
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo " remote_password"
wscript.echo " - The password of the supplied username (if any)."
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo " remote_user"
wscript.echo " - The domain and username credentials used to perform the windows audits. Should be in the format domain/username."
wscript.echo ""
end if

' leave the below settings
strComputer = "."
const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003
const ads_scope_subtree = 2

set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
set objWMIService2 = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\WMI")
set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set wshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Network" )

set objlocalwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
set colitems = objlocalwmiservice.execquery("select * from win32_process",,48)
for each objitem in colitems
if instr (objitem.commandline, wscript.scriptname) <> 0 then
current_pid = objitem.processid
end if

if (domain_array(0) = "") and (local_domain = "") then
set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem",,32)
error_returned = Err.Number : if (error_returned <> 0 and debugging > "0") then wscript.echo check_wbem_error(error_returned) & " local (Win32_OperatingSystem)" end if
for each objItem in colItems
windows_build_number = objItem.BuildNumber
set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem",,32)
error_returned = Err.Number : if (error_returned <> 0 and debugging > "0") then wscript.echo check_wbem_error(error_returned) & " ( Win32_ComputerSystem)" : audit_wmi_fails = audit_wmi_fails & "Win32_ComputerSystem " : end if
for each objItem in colItems
local_domain = "LDAP://" & objItem.Domain
windows_part_of_domain = False
if (windows_build_number >= 2600) then windows_part_of_domain = objItem.PartOfDomain end if
if (windows_part_of_domain <> True) then
wscript.echo "No domain provided and not part of a domain, exiting."
end if
end if

if (domain_array(0) = "") and (local_domain = "") then
wscript.echo "No domain provided and not part of a domain, exiting."
end if

if (domain_array(0) = "") and (local_domain > "") then
domain_array(0) = local_domain
if local_domain > "" then
number_of_domains = ubound(domain_array)+1
redim Preserve domain_array(number_of_domains)
domain_array(number_of_domains) = local_domain
end if
end if

for l = 0 to ubound(domain_array)
local_domain = domain_array(l)
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo "Now Auditing: " & local_domain end if
' retrieve all computers objects from domain
set objconnection = createobject("adodb.connection")
set objcommand = createobject("adodb.command")
objconnection.provider = "adsdsoobject" "active directory provider"
set objcommand.activeconnection = objconnection
objcommand.commandtext = "select name, location, operatingSystem, lastLogon from '" & local_domain & "' where objectclass='computer'"
if debugging > 2 then wscript.echo objcommand.commandtext end if"page size") = 1000"searchscope") = ads_scope_subtree"sort on") = "name"
set objrecordset = objcommand.execute
totcomp = objrecordset.recordcount
redim pc_array(totcomp) ' set array to computer count
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo "number of systems retrieved from ldap: " & totcomp end if
count = 0
do until objrecordset.eof
strcomputer = objrecordset.fields("name").value
computer_os = objrecordset.fields("operatingSystem").value
if (((len(operating_system) > 0) AND (instr(computer_os, operating_system) > 0)) OR (len(operating_system) = 0))then
pc_array(count) = strcomputer ' feed computers into array
count = count + 1
end if
num_running = HowMany
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo "number of filtered systems: " & count end if
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo "--------------" end if
redim Preserve pc_array(count)

' generates a text file of retrieved PCs
if (output_file > "") then
for i = 0 to ubound(pc_array)
retrieved_from_ad = retrieved_from_ad & pc_array(i) & vbcrlf
set objTS = objFSO.OpenTextFile(output_file, FOR_APPENDING, True)
objTS.Write retrieved_from_ad
end if

if audit_run_type = "local" then
for i = 0 to ubound(pc_array)
while int(num_running) > int(number_of_audits)
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo("processes running (" & num_running & ") greater than number wanted (" & number_of_audits & ")") end if
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo("therefore - sleeping for 4 seconds.") end if
wscript.sleep 4000
num_running = HowMany
if pc_array(i) <> "" then
j = i + 1
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo(j & " of " & ubound(pc_array)) end if
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo("processes running: " & num_running) end if
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo("next system: " & pc_array(i)) end if
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo("--------------") end if
command1 = "cscript //nologo " & chr(34) & script_name & chr(34) & " " & pc_array(i) & " ldap=" & local_domain
set sh1=wscript.createobject("") command1, 6, false
set sh1 = nothing
num_running = HowMany
end if
end if

if audit_run_type = "remote" then
for i = 0 to ubound(pc_array)
while num_running > number_of_audits
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo("processes running (" & num_running & ") greater than number wanted (" & number_of_audits & ") sleeping for 4 seconds.") end if
wscript.sleep 4000
num_running = HowMany
if pc_array(i) <> "" then
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo(i & " of " & ubound(pc_array)) end if
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo("processes running: " & num_running) end if
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo("next system: " & pc_array(i)) end if
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo("--------------") end if
remote_location = "\\"& pc_array(i) & "\admin$\"
if debugging > 2 then wscript.echo "Copying to: " & remote_location end if
on error resume next
objFSO.CopyFile "audit_windows.vbs", remote_location, True
error_returned = Err.Number
error_description = Err.Description
on error goto 0
if error_returned <> 0 then
' we did not copy successfully
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo("Error copying file. Audit not attempted. " & error_returned & " - " & error_description)end if
' copy completed - now try to run the audit
if debugging > 2 then wscript.echo "Sleeping for two seconds." end if
wscript.sleep 2000
Set Command = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' psexec must be in PATH
' note - specify -d on the command below to run in non-interactive mode (locally)
' if you specify -d you will see command windows of the remote processes
'cmd = "psexec.exe \\" & pc_array(i) & " -u " & remote_user & " -p " & remote_password & " -d cscript.exe " & remote_location & "audit_windows.vbs self_delete=y "
if remote_user <> "" and remote_password <> "" then
strRemoteAuth = " -u " & remote_user & " -p " & remote_password
strRemoteAuth = ""
end if
' Both of these work. The second requires the double cmd as only one doesn't expand %SYSTEMROOT%.

'cmd = "psexec.exe \\" & pc_array(i) & strRemoteAuth & " -s cmd /c ""for /f ""TOKENS=2 DELIMS=="" %i in ('set ^| find /i ""systemroot""') do cscript.exe %i\audit_windows.vbs self_delete=y ldap=" & local_domain & """"

cmd = "psexec.exe \\" & pc_array(i) & strRemoteAuth & " -s cmd /c ""cmd /c cscript.exe %SYSTEMROOT^%\audit_windows.vbs self_delete=y ldap=" & local_domain & """"

if debugging > 2 then wscript.echo "Running command: " & cmd end if
on error resume next
Command.Run (cmd)
error_returned = Err.Number
error_description = Err.Description
num_running = HowMany
on error goto 0
if error_returned <> 0 then
' we did not successfully start the audit
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo("Error running audit. " & error_returned & " - " & error_description)end if
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo "Audit started successfully." end if
end if
set Command = nothing
end if
end if
end if

Function HowMany()
Dim Proc1,Proc2,Proc3
' CheckForHungWMI()
Set Proc1 = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set Proc2 = Proc1.ExecQuery("select * from win32_process" )
For Each Proc3 in Proc2
If LCase(Proc3.Caption) = "cscript.exe" or LCase(Proc3.Caption) = "psexec.exe" Then
HowMany=HowMany + 1
End If
End Function

Sub CheckForHungWMI()
' Get the current date in UTC format
Set dtmStart = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
dtmStart.SetVarDate Now, True

' Subtract the script_timeout value
dtmNew = DateAdd("s", (script_timeout * -1), dtmStart.GetVarDate(True))

' Convert our dtmNew time back to UTC format, since that's the format needed for the WMIService query, below.
Set dtmTarget = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
dtmTarget.SetVarDate dtmNew, True

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")

' Pull a list of all processes that are over (script_timeout) seconds old
Set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Process WHERE CreationDate < '" & dtmTarget & "'")

For each objProcess in colProcesses
' Look for cscript.exe processes only
if objProcess.Name = "cscript.exe" then
' Look for audit.vbs processes with the //Nologo cmd line option.
' ATTENTION: The //Nologo cmd line option should NOT be used to start the initial audit, or it will kill itself off after script_timeout seconds
if InStr(objProcess.CommandLine, "//Nologo") and InStr(objProcess.CommandLine, "audit.vbs") then
' The command line looks something like this: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cscript.exe" //Nologo audit.vbs COMPUTERNAME
' Get the position of audit.vbs in the command line, and add 10 to get to the start of the workstation name
position = InStr(objProcess.CommandLine, "audit.vbs") + 10
affectedComputer = Mid(objProcess.CommandLine,position)
if debugging > 0 then echo("" & Now & "," & affectedComputer & " - Hung Process Killed. ") end if
LogKilledAudit("Hung Process Killed for machine: " & affectedComputer)
end if
end if
End Sub

Function LogKilledAudit(txt)
on error resume next
dim Today, YYYYmmdd, fp, txtarr, txtline, todaystr
today = now
logfilename = "killed_audits.log"
todaystr = datepart("yyyy", today)&"/"&_
right("00"&datepart("m", today), 2)&"/"&_
right("00"&datepart("d", today), 2)&" "&_
right("00"&datepart("h", today), 2)&":"&_
right("00"&datepart("n", today), 2)&":"&_
right("00"&datepart("s", today), 2)
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fp = objFSO.OpenTextFile(logfilename, 8, true)
if (debugging > 0 and err <> 0) then wscript.echo(err.number & " " & err.description) end if
txtarr=Split(txt, vbcrlf)
for each txtline in txtarr
txtline = trim(txtline)
if txtline <> "" then
txt = txt & todaystr & " - " & txtline & vbcrlf
end if
if debugging > 0 then wscript.echo(left(txt, len(txt)-2)) end if
fp.write txt
set fp = nothing
LogKilledAudit = true
End Function

Sub forceCScriptExecution
Dim Arg, Str
if not lcase( Right( wscript.FullName, 12 ) ) = "\cscript.exe" then
for each arg in WScript.Arguments
If InStr( Arg, " " ) Then Arg = """" & Arg & """"
Str = Str & " " & Arg
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "cscript //nologo """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """ " & Str
End If
End Sub

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 7:48 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:27 am
Posts: 1259
The skip_software setting is in the audit_windows.vbs file which gets called by the audit_domain.vbs to do the audit. Unless you have other audit jobs running with skip_software=n we need to look elsewhere.

If it were me I'd clean out the alerts, run an audit against a single machine with audit_windows.vbs and check what alerts are generated. Run another test against the same machine and check the alerts again. Few alerts or massive amount?

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