
OAv2 beta 4 unable to expand menus
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Author:  angel [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  OAv2 beta 4 unable to expand menus


I'm running beta4 of OAv2 in a W2K3 Std. Ed. with:
- mysql (version 5.5.8).
- web server is Apache/2.2.17
- PHP/5.3.4

To tst I audited one computer but in the summary page and depending on the browser version I use I run into some different problems.
- With IE8 I'm unable to see anything of the left menu.
- With Firefox 11 I'm able to see the left menu and expand all summary suboptions but Audit, Audit Log and Alert Log. I can't neither expand hardware, software and settings. Nothing happens when I try it.

Any idea about what can be happening?


Author:  Mark [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OAv2 beta 4 unable to expand menus

Yeah - there are some cross browser issues at the moment.
Personally I use Chrome, Chromium or Firefox - all work fine for me.

Author:  sun [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OAv2 beta 4 unable to expand menus


I fixed this problem in IE.In v_system_display.php the div section for Menu with all contents should be before system details scripts.

Author:  sun [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OAv2 beta 4 unable to expand menus


I am running the same open audit so I had this problem before with IE.
I fixed this problem by changing v_system_display.php scripts, the div section for Menu with all contents should be before system details.


Author:  angel [ Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OAv2 beta 4 unable to expand menus


Sorry, I moved but still doesn't work.
Please, Could you post the right place where to move the div section for menu?


Author:  sun [ Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OAv2 beta 4 unable to expand menus

That is the part of the script that I changed.

<script src="<?php echo base_url() . 'theme-' . $user_theme . '/' . $user_theme . '-files/'; ?>jquery/js/jquery.plugin.menuTree.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
expandSpeed: 300,
collapseSpeed: 300,
parentMenuTriggerCallback: false,
multiOpenedSubMenu: true


$link_serial = '';
$link_model = '';
$link_manufacturer = '';

foreach($system as $key)
if (mb_strtolower($key->man_os_group) == 'windows')
} else {
$org_id = $key->man_org_id;
$location_id = $key->man_location_id;
$location_rack = $key->man_location_rack;
$location_rack_position = $key->man_location_rack_position;
$man_picture = $key->man_picture;
$os_name = $key->man_os_name;
$serial = $key->serial;

$link_manufacturer = $key->manufacturer;
$link_serial = $key->serial;
$link_model = $key->model;
$location_name = '';
foreach($system_location as $key)
$location_name = $key->location_name;
$edit = '';
if ($access_level > 7)
$edit = 'class="editText" style="color:blue;"';
$edit_custom = 'class="editCustom" style="color:blue;"';
$tabcustom = '<li><a href="#tabcustom"><span>' . __('Custom') . '</span></a></li>';
} else {
$tabcustom = '';

// creating manufacturer / warranty / search links
$link_warranty = 'No links for the manufacturer';
$link_downloads = 'No links for the manufacturer';
$link_express_code = '';

if (mb_strpos($link_manufacturer, "Dell") !== false) {
// we have a Dell system
if ($link_serial != ""){
$link_warranty = "<a href=';cs=usbsdt1&amp;servicetag=" . $link_serial . "' onclick=\"'_blank';\"><img src='" . $image_path . "16_edit.png' alt='' title='' width='16'/></a>";
$link_downloads = "<a href=';l=en&amp;s=gen&amp;servicetag=" . $link_serial . "' onclick=\"'_blank';\"><img src='" . $image_path . "16_browser.png' alt='' title='' width='16'/></a>";
$link_express_code = base_convert($link_serial,36,10);
$link_express_code_formatted = mb_substr($link_express_code,0,3)."-".mb_substr($link_express_code,3,3)."-".mb_substr($link_express_code,6,3)."-".mb_substr($link_express_code,9,2);
$link_express_code = $link_express_code_formatted;

if ( (mb_strpos($link_manufacturer, "Compaq") !== false) OR (mb_strpos($link_manufacturer, "HP") !== false) OR (mb_strpos($link_manufacturer, "Hewlett-Packard") !== false) ) {
// we have a HP system
if ($link_serial != ""){
$link_warranty = "<a href=';RegisteredPurchaseDate=&amp;country=GB&amp;productNumber=&amp;serialNumber1=" . $link_serial . "' onclick=\"'_blank';\"><img src='" . $image_path . "16_edit.png' alt='' title='' width='16'/></a>";
if ($link_model != ""){
$link_downloads = "<a href=';h_cc=uk&amp;cc=uk&amp;h_page=hpcom&amp;lang=en&amp;h_client=S-A-R135-1&amp;h_pagetype=s-002&amp;h_query=" . $link_model . "' onclick=\"'_blank';\"><img src='" . $image_path . "16_browser.png' alt='' title='' width='16'/></a>";

if ( (mb_strpos($link_manufacturer, "IBM") !== false) OR (mb_strpos($link_manufacturer, "Lenovo") !== false) ) {
// we have a Lenovo/IBM system
if ($link_model != ""){
$link_downloads = "<a href='" . $link_model . "' onclick=\"'_blank';\">".__("Product Page")."</a>";
if ( ($link_model != '') and ($link_serial != '') ) {
$link_warranty = "<a href='" . mb_substr($link_model,0,4) . "&amp;serial=" . $link_serial . "&amp;country=897&amp;iws=off&amp;sitestyle=lenovo' onclick=\"'_blank';\"><img src='" . $image_path . "16_browser.png' alt='' title='' width='16'/></a>";
$link_warranty .= " <a href='" . mb_substr($link_model,-9,-5) . "&amp;serial=" . $link_serial . "&amp;country=897&amp;iws=off&amp;sitestyle=lenovo' onclick=\"'_blank';\"><img src='" . $image_path . "16_browser.png' alt='' title='' width='16'/></a>";

if (mb_strpos($link_manufacturer, "Gateway") !== false) {
// we have a Gateway system
if ($link_serial != '' ) {
$link_warranty = "<a href='" . $link_serial . "' onclick=\"'_blank';\"><img src='" . $image_path . "16_browser.png' alt='' title='' width='16'/></a>";

<!-- below is the menu div that sits on the left -->
<div style="float:left; width: 180px; margin-left: 0px; vertical-align: top; " >

<form action="#" method="post" class="niceforms" >
<fieldset id="system_menu" class="niceforms" >
<legend><span style="font-size: 12pt;">&nbsp;<?php echo __('Menu')?></span></legend>

<div id="menu1" class="menuTree" >

<li class="parent" style="margin-top:10px;"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_devices.png" id="toggle_summary_all" /><a href="#">Summary</a>
<li class="child" ><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_windows.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_summary_windows">Windows Details</a></li>
<li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gtk-justify-right.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_summary_purchase">Purchase</a></li>
<li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_dhcp.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_summary_network">Network</a></li>
<li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gtk-home.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_summary_location">Location / Contact</a></li>
<li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-mime-application-msword.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_summary_custom">Custom</a></li>
<li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_edit-find.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_summary_audits">Audits</a></li>
<li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_edit.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_summary_audit_log">Audit Log</a></li>
<li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_dialog-warning.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_summary_alert_log">Alert Log</a></li>
<li class="parent"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_router.png" id="toggle_hardware_all" /><a href="#">Hardware</a>
<?php if (count($processor) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path; ?>16_gnome-fs-chardev.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_processor">Processor</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($memory) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path; ?>16_gnome-mime-application-x-core.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_memory">Memory</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($bios) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_application-x-pcb-16.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_bios">Bios</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($motherboard) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_media-memory.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_motherboard">Motherboard</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($network) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-dev-ethernet.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_network">Network</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($scsi_controller) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-fs-blockdev.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_scsi_controller">SCSI Controller</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($hard_drive) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-dev-harddisk.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_hard_drive">Disk</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($optical) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gtk-cdrom.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_optical">Optical</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($video) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-settings-background.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_video">Video</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($monitor) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-settings-background.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_monitor">Monitor</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($sound) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-mime-application-ogg.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_sound">Sound</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($printer) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_printer.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_hardware_printer">Printers</a></li> <?php } ?>
<li class="parent"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-mime-application-x-archive.png" id="toggle_software_all" /><a href="#">Software</a>
<?php if (count($software) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_system-installer.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_software_installed">Installed</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($updates) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_system-software-update.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_software_updates">Updates</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($codecs) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_applications-multimedia.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_software_codecs">Codecs</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($odbc) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_database.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_software_odbc">ODBC Drivers</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($assembly) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnect.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_software_assembly">Assembly</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($service) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_applications-system.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_software_services">Services</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($software_key) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gtk-dialog-authentication.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_software_keys">Keys</a></li> <?php } ?>
<li class="parent"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-settings.png" id="toggle_settings_all" /><a href="#">Settings</a>
<?php if (count($share) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-fs-share.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_settings_shares">Shares</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($route) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_edit-redo.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_settings_routes">Routes</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($system_user) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-settings-theme.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_settings_users">Users</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($system_group) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_system-users.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_settings_groups">Groups</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($system_log) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gtk-justify-fill.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_settings_logs">Logs</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if (count($system_variable) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_gnome-mime-application-x-font-afm.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_settings_variables">Variables</a></li> <?php } ?>
<?php if ((count($database) > 0) or (count($webserver) > 0)) { ?>
<li class="parent"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_dhcp.png" id="toggle_server_all" /><a href="#">Servers</a>
<?php if (count($database) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_database.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_server_database">Database</a></li><?php } ?>
<?php if (count($webserver) > 0) { ?> <li class="child"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $image_path?>16_web.png" /><a href="#" id="toggle_server_web">WebServer</a></li><?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

<!-- -->

<div id="content_column" style="margin-left: 200px;" >

<!--below are the main content blocks-->

<div id="summary" style="float: left; width: 100%; " >
<form action="#" method="post" class="niceforms" >
<fieldset id="system_details" class="niceforms" >
<legend><span style="font-size: 12pt">&nbsp;<?php echo __('System Details')?></span></legend>
<div style="float: left; width:80%; margin-right: 120px;">
<?php foreach($system as $key): ?>
<?php $os_install_date = $key->pc_date_os_installation; ?>
<div style="float:left; width:50%;">
<p><label for="hostname"><?php echo __('Hostname')?>: </label><span id="hostname"><b><?php echo print_something($key->hostname)?></b></span></p>
<p><label for="man_ip_address"><?php echo __('IP Address')?>: </label><span id="man_ip_address" <?php echo $edit?>><?php echo print_something(ip_address_from_db($key->man_ip_address))?></span></p>
<p><label for="man_environment_select"><?php echo __('Environment')?>: </label><span id="man_environment_select" style="color:blue;"><span onclick="display_environment();"><?php echo print_something($key->man_environment)?></span></span></p>
<p><label for="man_status_select"><?php echo __('Status')?>: </label><span id="man_status_select" style="color:blue;"><span onclick="display_status();"><?php echo print_something($key->man_status)?></span></span></p>
<!-- <p><label for="man_acting_server"><?php echo __('Acting Server')?>: </label><span id="man_acting_server" <?php echo $edit?>><?php echo print_something($key->man_acting_server)?></span></p> -->
<p><label for="man_description"><?php echo __('Description')?>: </label><span id="man_description" <?php echo $edit?>><?php echo print_something($key->man_description)?></span></p>
<p><label for="man_criticality_select"><?php echo __('Criticality')?>: </label><span id="man_criticality_select" style="color:blue;"><span onclick="display_criticality();"><?php echo print_something($key->man_criticality)?></span></span></p>
<p><label for="timestamp"><?php echo __('Most Recent Audit')?>: </label><span id="timestamp"><?php echo print_something($key->timestamp)?></span></p>
<?php if ($key->man_os_group == 'Windows') { ?>
<p><label for="os_version"><?php echo __('Windows Version')?>: </label><span id="os_version"><?php echo print_something($key->os_version)?></span></p>
<?php } elseif ($key->man_os_group == 'Linux') { ?>
<p><label for="os_version"><?php echo __('Linux Kernel')?>: </label><span id="os_version"><?php echo print_something($key->os_version)?></span></p>
<?php } elseif ($key->man_os_group == 'HP Procurve') { ?>
<p><label for="os_version"><?php echo __('HP Procurve Version')?>: </label><span id="os_version"><?php echo print_something($key->os_version)?></span></p>
<?php } ?>

<p><label for="man_os_group"><?php echo __('OS Group')?>: </label><span id="man_os_group"><?php echo print_something($key->man_os_group)?></span></p>
<p><label for="man_os_family"><?php echo __('OS Family')?>: </label><span id="man_os_family"><?php echo print_something($key->man_os_family)?></span></p>
<div style="float:right; width:50%;">
<p><label for="manufacturer"><?php echo __('Manufacturer')?>: </label><span id="manufacturer"><?php echo print_something($key->manufacturer)?></span></p>
<p><label for="man_form_factor"><?php echo __('Form Factor')?>: </label><span id="man_form_factor" <?php echo $edit?>><?php echo print_something($key->man_form_factor)?></span></p>
<p><label for="man_model"><?php echo __('Model')?>: </label><span id="man_model" <?php echo $edit?>><?php echo print_something($key->man_model)?></span></p>
<p><label for='st_memory'><?php echo __('Memory')?>: </label><span id='st_memory' class="form_field"><?php echo number_format(intval($key->pc_memory / 1024)); ?> MiB&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><label for='st_uptime'><?php echo __('Uptime')?>: </label><span id='st_uptime' class="form_field"><?php echo strTime($key->uptime) ?> </span></p>
<p><label for="man_location_name"><?php echo __('Location Name')?>: </label><span id="man_location_name"><?php echo print_something($location_name)?></span></p>
<!-- <p><label for="man_icon"><?php echo __('Icon')?>: </label><span id="man_icon"><img title="icon" alt="icon" src="<?php echo $image_path;?>16_<?php echo $key->man_icon?>.png"/></span></p> -->
<p><label for="man_function"><?php echo __('Function')?>: </label><span id="man_function" <?php echo $edit?>><?php echo print_something($key->man_function)?></span></p>
<?php if(mb_strpos($key->manufacturer, 'VMware') !== false ){ ?>
<p><label for="man_vm_server_name"><?php echo __('Physical Host')?>: </label><span id="man_vm_server_name" <?php echo $edit?>><?php echo print_something($key->man_vm_server_name)?></span></p>
<p><label for="man_vm_group"><?php echo __('Virtual Machine Group')?>: </label><span id="man_vm_group" <?php echo $edit?>><?php echo print_something($key->man_vm_group)?></span></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(mb_strpos($key->manufacturer, 'VMware') === false ){ ?>
<p><label for="link_warranty"><?php echo __('Warranty Link')?>: </label><span id="link_warranty"><?php echo print_something($link_warranty)?> </span></p>
<p><label for="link_downloads"><?php echo __('Downloads Link')?>: </label><span id="link_downloads"><?php echo print_something($link_downloads)?> </span></p>
<?php if ($link_express_code != '' ){ ?>
<p><label for="link_express_code"><?php echo __('Dell Express Service Code')?>: </label><span id="link_express"><?php echo print_something($link_express_code)?> </span></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php echo display_custom_field('system_details', $additional_fields, $edit); ?>

<div style="float:right; width: 100px; margin-left: -80%;">
<img width="100" title="" alt="" src="<?php echo base_url()?>device_images/<?php echo $key->man_picture?>" style="border: 1px solid rgb(219, 217, 197);"/>

<div style="float: left;margin-right: 120px;">
<label for="man_os_name"><?php echo __('OS Name')?>: </label><span id="man_os_name"><?php echo print_something($os_name)?></span>
<p><label for="serial"><?php echo __('Serial')?>: </label><span id='serial'><?php echo print_something($serial)?></span></p>
</div> <!-- end of div Summary -->

</div> <!-- end of content_column -->

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